From this article:
Estimating how much the nation will spend on health care is difficult, but in many ways, it is even more difficult to say how much the nation should spend on health care, because the answer depends on values as well as on data related to health, medical technology, and the economy. This is the conceptual problem related to health care spending. A useful way to think about this "should" question is to imagine a family with a limited income trying to decide how much to spend on food, clothing, entertainment, and other activities. In principle, the family will get the most satisfaction from its income if it allocates it among the various goods and services in such a way that the last dollar spent in each category brings the same amount of satisfaction. If the family cannot achieve such equality, the total satisfaction could be increased by switching some spending from categories in which the last dollar spent provided less satisfaction to those in which the last dollar spent provided more satisfaction.

The italics are the author's.

I like good analogies for medical issues.  This is one such analogy.

Bottom line:  Before we talk about adding more proverbial mouths to feed with proverbial food we don't have, let's talk about how we are going to change our country's health care priorities.

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