Since exercise is part of my new year's resolutions, I will start using this blog not just a platform for expression and my personal betterment, but also as a workout log (GPP stands for General Physical Preparedness).  I may organize it later so that the log facet is a separate, less obtrusive feed, but for now, this is what we are working with.
Because it is simple, open-source (read free, with included school gym membership) and it gets results (like they say on the CF forums, "it's like it works"), I will be sticking to a 3 day on, 1 off regimen of CrossFit, if I can swing it and don't blow myself on WOD days 1 and 2.
For now, I'll be cherry picking the main page WODs.  Today's workout for me was 100222.
As far as my logging goes, I will be trying over time to standardize my logging to make it search-able and easily tidy-able for analysis.

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