In February, around the time of this blog's inception,
I posted about how I would try my damnedest to adhere to some new standards for myself. I said I would use the
6 Changes platform to break some old habits and create some new ones.
My experience so far is it is harder to break new habits than to ingrain new ones. That said, I haven't given up the onychophagia (technical for 'nail biting'), but I have been sticking to a fitness regimen (which includes exercise, dietary alteration, and should also begin to include meditation).
Lately, in my spare time, I have been poring over lots of research papers, blog and print media archives, all in the hopes of elucidating some calm water amidst the frantic seas of the dietetic sphere.
What I have learned so far is that I have a lot to learn if diet is going to inform my future practice of medicine (as rightly it should). So many doctors, it seems, have such a poor grasp of how diet influences the physiology and pathology of humans.
Up to now, I've found
Dr. Harris at PaNu to have the simplest and most thorough commentary on what is right (few things) and wrong (most things) with current dietary advice. I recommend his blog for a read for a fresh perspective, even if you drink the current dietetic establishment kool-aid (lowercase 'k' and 'a').
My gut (pun intended) feeling, my chemistry background (I was a chemistry major undergrad), and some first-year medical schooling all tell me that following a program like PaNu is where it's at for ease-of-use and nutritional soundness.
As of yesterday, I received my crisp, new copy of Gary Taubes'
Good Calories, Bad Calories, which is the precipitating work of Dr. Harris' content at PaNu and a veritable bible for lots of the rest of the "paleo" blogosphere. I may post my impressions of this very influential books as I get further into it, but in the meantime, I say you pick up a copy for yourself. Just reading through the prologue has me convinced that Taubes' writing style is well-informed, while staying crystal clear and entertaining (clarity and interest are sometimes left out of non-fiction like this).