According to wiktionary: The collapse of a part of or the whole lung caused by inner factors rather than a pneumothorax.
And, on Wikipedia.
Another music post.  Heard this band (Carousel Kings) on (link is to my profile), which supplies me with just the happy, poppy, easy sound I wanna hear when I am reading about doping geezers with rat poison.  I think they deserve a listen if not only because they satisfy my 13 year old girl music taste.
If you are interested in pop punk and/or hip hop or just a cool sound, you might want to check out Secret Secret Dino Club.  The band(? might be a one man operation, I'm not sure)'s work is a cool blend of two two genres for an interesting feel-good sound, just in time for summer.  Also, they have steezy merch:

... but, now desperately need.  Thanks, internet.
The top is blue, the bottom is green with Sebastian the Ibis.  I don't know how exactly I would pull these off, but I do know that I would try.  And at $165 they don't seem to be too bad a deal compared to the alternatives.  I'd probably go Ibis-free, but had to rep.  Also, they are a local (South Florida) company.  Here is more info than you wanted to know about this genre of footwear.  The genesis for this whole post is here.
Doctor bags and the down home country docs who carry them have all but fallen completely off.  The style and demeanor these gentleman display should serve as inspiration for current and future doctors.  All of the photos are courtesy of the LIFE archive.  And check out this EDC (holler).
Check out this thread on a forum about leatherwork.  I think this will be my 'Intro to Leatherwork' summer project.  A little over my head for a complete leather newb?  When it's done will I not have the young doc swag to pull it off?
Now the AHA is telling us that red meat is okay for us as far as heart disease, diabetes and stroke are concerned.  (via CFE)
... this.  Simply put, it takes your Facebook Phonebook and downloads that to your Google Contacts which are then automatically synced with your phone's contacts.

 edit: I had spelled Android 'Androis.'  Androis is the French knockoff of Android.
The world's largest photo.
... while watching some archival footage of med school lectures.  The doctor giving the presentation said, "...should be 1-1.2 centimeters [pronounced saun-timeters ('saun' like 'sauna'] thick, whereas this is probably 2.5 centimeters [cent-imeters ('cent' like 'penny')]..."  Dude needs to make up his mind.
